5. Feedforward Neural Networks

Feedforward Neural Networks

In the last sections we learned that we can compute any differentiable loss function between an arbitrary differentiable function \(f\) that takes input \(x\) and outputs predictions \(\hat{y}\) and the data \((x,y)\), and optimize the model \(f\) with respect to its parameters \(\theta\) with stochastic gradient descent. In this section, we look at how to construct \(f\) as a neural network.

Vanilla Neural Networks

In the two examples from Chapter 2, neural network regression and neural network classification, we have already discovered one main idea of vanilla neural networks: combining matrix multiplications and element-wise non-linearities. The other idea is that we can repeat, or layer, these two transformations multiple times. For instance, abstracting from the concrete structure of the input and output data, we would write a neural network with two fully connected layers as \(f(x)=W_1 \phi (W_1 x)\), where \(\phi\) represents an an element-wise non-linearity like tanh and \(W_1\), \(W_2\) are matrices that interact, scale, and shift the inputs. A 3-layer neural networks would be implemented as \(f(x)=W_3 \phi (W_1 \phi (W_1 x))\), and so forth. The outputs from the intermediate functions are called hidden layers, and one output a hidden unit. We can think of hidden units as feature abstractions from the previous layer, or latent features for the next layer. During training, the neural network learns which feature abstractions are useful to the next layer. A network is called deep if it has more than one hidden layer. Common choices for non-linearity \(\phi\) are tanh, the rectified linear unit (ReLU) \(\max(0,x)\), and the logistic function \(1/(1+e^{-x})\). Usually, we add an additional element \(x_0 = 1\) to the input vector. The corresponding weight, or bias, \(b:=w_0\) shifts the output. The choice of the last layer depends on the type of output data \(y\). For instance, we could select the logistic function for binary classification, the softmax function for multi-class classification, and a linear layer to predict natural numbers. Similar to our toy example in Figure 1 reference=”fig:toy_graph”}, we can depict a vanilla neural network as a directed acyclical graph and compute its gradient via backpropagation in a supervised learning setting. Figure 2 depicts a two-layer example architecture for a binary classification task. Note the similarity between this network and the second example from Chapter 2. Figure 2 clarifies how we aggregate dot product operations on the neuron level to matrix operations on the layer level. In the last decade, the neural network approach has led to state-of-the-art results in areas with large amounts of high-quality data such as computer vision, natural language processing, speech recognition and others. A theoretical reason for this success is that neural networks can achieve universal approximation. This means that they can approximate any continuous function, either via sufficient depth (number of layers; e.g. or width (number of columns in weight matrices; e.g. . A practical reason is that we can optimize these functions very efficiently with many parallel computations on modern hardware.

Figure 2. Vanilla neural network with two fully-connected hidden layers for binary classification. The first hidden layer, \(h^{(1)}\), is composed of three neurons. Each neuron takes the input vector \(x\) and computes the dot product with its weight vector from its respective column of the layer’s weight matrix \(W^{(1)}\). Moreover, \(h^{(1)}\) introduces non-linearity via an elementwise non-linear operation \(\phi\). The second layer, \(h^{(2)}\), repeats the same process with the previous hidden layer as its input but reduces the number of hidden features. The output layer $o$ has the same size as the last hidden layer and computes the Softmax probabilities for classes one and two.

Backward pass

To improve our understanding about backpropagation of neural networks, we look at the partial derivatives of typical layers. Note that we usually consider the derivatives with respect to the loss instead of the cost function because the regularization terms are not complex and simply add up to the more complicated loss derivative at the end of each update computation.

\[\frac{\partial L}{\partial l_{i,j}} = \begin{cases} \hat{p}_{i,j} & \text{if i $\neq$ j} \\ \hat{p}_{i,j} - 1 & \text{if i = j}. \end{cases}\]


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  title   = "Deep Learning Series",
  author  = "Stenzel, Tobias",
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