2. Supervised Learning

Supervised Learning

Prediction rules based on some specific set of information can be written as a mapping \(f:X \rightarrow Y\), where \(X\) is an input space and \(Y\) is an output space. To recognize a dog on a photo, for example, \(X\) would be the space of images and \(Y\) would be a probability interval \([0,1]\) for the presence of a dog. However, it is oftentimes very difficult to find an explicit function \(f\) from theoretical considerations about the problem. For problems where it is easy to find many examples \((x,y) \in X \times Y\), the supervised learning approach is usually well-suited. In our example, the requirement would be a dataset that consists of a large number of images which are annotated with presence or absence of a dog.

Loss function

To be concrete, our dataset \(\{(x_1,y_1),...(x_n,y_n)\}\) includes \(n\) examples. Our theoretical assumption about the data is that these examples are drawn from a data generating distribution \(D\) with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables, i.e. \((x_i, y_i) \overset{\mathrm{iid}}{\sim} D\). In the supervised learning context, learning the mapping \(f:X \rightarrow Y\) means selecting the function \(f\) from a set of candidate functions \(\mathcal{F}\) so that \(f\) yields the best predictions for \(y\) given any \(x\). I.e., we want to find the best approximation for \(f(Y|X)\). We achieve this by selecting a scalar-valued loss function \(L(\hat{y},y)\) which measures the difference between prediction \(\hat{y}_i\) and actual outcome \(y_i\). In theory, our objective is to find the function with the lowest expected loss for all examples from the data generating distribution \(D\). In practice, however, we have to rely on our dataset. Therefore, we approximate our theoretical objective using the assumption that our data is drawn from an i.i.d. distribution. We search for function \(f^*\) with the lowest average loss over the data:

\[\begin{align} \label{eq:loss} f^* \approx \arg \min_{f \in \mathcal{F}} \frac{1}{n} \sum^n_{i=1} L \big ( \ f(x_i), y_i \big ). \end{align}\]


Oftentimes, the i.i.d. assumption is too strong. In this case, we usually do not achieve the best result for predicting unseen outcomes with a function that is optimized solely with regards to our dataset. In short, this function does not necessarily generalize well. A further issue is how to choose between multiple functions with the same minimal loss. The approach that addresses both problems at once is regularization. The idea is to add a regularization penalty to our objective function from which we obtain our predictor. The penalization criterion \(R(f)\) is function complexity. We thus search for the function that fits the data best and has a low complexity:

\(\begin{align} \label{eq:cost} f^* \approx \arg \min_{f \in \mathcal{F}} \frac{1}{n} \sum^n_{i=1} L \big (f(x_i), y_i \big ) + R(f), \end{align}\) where \(R(f)\) is a scalar-valued function. With regularization, we can achieve a better generalization and choose between functions that achieve a similar loss.

Frequently, we have already selected our model but not its parameters. Hence, we take function \(f\) as given but we want to learn the best parameters \(\theta\) for this function. In this situation, the concept of loss and regularization directly translates from finding the optimal function to finding the optimal parameters:

\[\begin{align} \label{eq:params} \theta^* \approx \arg \min_{\theta \in \Theta} \frac{1}{n} \sum^n_{i=1} L \big (f(x_i;\theta), y_i \big ) + R(\theta), \end{align}\]

where \(\Theta\) denotes the parameter space. Common examples for \(R(\theta)\) are multiples of vector norms. In this setting, choices like the model, the loss or the regularization are called hyperparameters. These are parameters that are set before the actual model parameters are learned. Hyperparameter choices are oftentimes critical to the quality of the learned model. There are several other ways to prevent overfitting the model besides regularization. Examples are choosing simpler models, stopping the optimization process early, changing or disabling some model units during training (dropout), and dataset augmentations.

Model validation

How do we test whether our model generalizes well to unseen data? The usual machine learning approach is as follows: at first, we split our examples in three groups: a large training, and smaller validation and test sets. Secondly, we learn the model parameters with the training data. The third step is to compute evaluation metrics for this model from the unseen test data. In general, we want to minimize the distance between the prediction and the target vector. For classification tasks, we can use evaluation metrics based on the confusion matrix. This enables us to identify single classes which are more difficult to predict for the model. Optionally, we can repeat the third step multiple times for different hyperparameter configurations and compare the generalization errors. Then, we evaluate the best model once again on the validation data and report its performance. We will briefly discuss hyperparameter selection in the end of the optimization section.

Example — Linear regression

Assume we have a dataset with 100 observations \((n=100)\) of two features each \((m=2, X=\mathbb{R}^2)\) and a scalar annotation \((Y=\mathbb{R})\). According to the input and output space, we choose to restrict the candidate class \(\mathcal{F}\) to the family of linear functions, i.e. \(\mathcal{F}=\{w^Tx + b | w \in \mathbb{R}^2, b\in \mathbb{R}\). With this choice, we set our hypothesis space from a class of functions to the set of three parameters \(\theta=\{w_1, w_2, b\}\) with \(w=[w_1, w_2]\). Next, I list two common hyperparameter choices. First, the squared difference between predicted value and target, \(L(\hat{y}, y)=(\hat{y} - y)^2\), is a common loss function. Second, the L2 norm of the weights multiplied with importance parameter \(\lambda\) is a typical regularizer choice, i.e. \(R(w,b)=\lambda(w_1^2 + w_2^2)\). The L2 norm counteracts extreme weights and an excessive effect of one single weight on the prediction \(\hat{y}\). Taken together, our objective is

\[\begin{align} \theta^* = \arg \min_{w,b} \underbrace{ \Bigg [ \frac{1}{n} \sum^n_{i=1} (w^T x_i + b - y_i)^2 \Bigg ]}_\text{data fitting} + \underbrace{\Bigg [ \lambda (w_1^2 + w_2^2) \Bigg ]}_\text{regularization}. \end{align}\]

Example — Neural network regression

Perhaps the relationship between features \(x_1, x_2\) and the scalar target \(y\) is not liner and there are interactions between the two features. A model class that is well-known for its theoretical capabilities of approximating continuous functions are feedforward neural networks (FNN). As a preview, we can extend the previous example to a specific FNN called neural network regression. It has the form \(f(x;\theta)= w_2 \text{ tanh} (W_1^T x + b_1) + b_2\) with parameters \(\theta=\{W_1, b_2, w_1, b_1\}\). \(W_1\) is matrix with dimension \(H \times 2\), \(b_1\) and \(w_2\) are both vectors of length \(H\), and \(b_2\) is a scalar. \(H\) is an integer-type hyperparameter. \(W_1^T x + b_1\) is often called a hidden layer. Its elements, or neurons, are outputs of multiplicative interactions between elements from previous layers, in this case the two inputs \(x_1\) and \(x_2\). tanh denotes the hyperbolic tangent that squashes elements from the real-valued domain to the interval [-1,1]. It is applied element-wise and introduces non-linearity to the model. The objective is given by:

\[\begin{align} \theta^* = \arg \min_{W_1, b_2, w_1, b_1} \underbrace{ \Bigg [ \frac{1}{n} \sum^n_{i=1} \big (w_2 \text{ tanh} ( W_1^T x_i + b_1 ) + b_2 - y_i \big)^2 \Bigg ]}_\text{data fitting} + \underbrace{\Bigg [ \lambda \big (||W_1||^2_2 + ||w_2||_2^2 \big ) \Bigg ]}_\text{regularization}. \end{align}\]

Example — Neural network classification

Oftentimes, we do not want to predict a real number but we want to predict whether an input corresponds to an output of a specific class \(k\) of \(K\) possible classes. For instance, we may want to predict whether a dog, a, cat, or a budgie is shown in a picture. To formalize this problem, we encode our classes as non-negative integers starting at 0. We also encode our output as a vector of \(|K|\) zeros, where only the \(k^*\)-th element representing the actual class encoded as \(k^*\) is set to one. Using the previous order, a picture that shows a dog is encoded as \(y=[1, 0, 0]\). We can achieve a model that predicts a vector of this form with two simple adjustments of the neural network regression model. The first adjustment is replacing vector \(w_2\) by matrix \(W_2\) with dimensions \(K \times H\). This gives us a real-valued vector \(z\) with one real-valued element for every class. The second adjustment is that we compute class probabilities by applying the softmax function to \(z\), i.e. \(\hat{p}_k = e^{z_k} / \sum_{i=1}^K e^{z_i}\). Handy properties of the softmax function in the probability context are, first, that every element is mapped to \([0,1]\), and second, that the sum of all elements is normalized to one. Hence, our class prediction would be the class that is represented by the largest element in vector \(\hat{p}\). For instance, with \(K=3\) and \(\hat{p}=[0.1, 0.7, 0.2]\), our prediction \(\hat{y}\) equals \([0, 1, 0]\). The most common loss function for classification is the cross-entropy loss. It takes the predicted class probabilities \(\hat{p}\) instead of the predicted class vector \(\hat{y}\). We denote both options by output \(o\):

\(\begin{align} L(o,y) = L(\hat{p},y) = - \sum_{k=1}^K y_k \log \hat{p}_k = -\log \hat{p}_{k=k^*}. \end{align}\) The first equality is the cross-entropy definition for two distribution, i.e \(H(q,r) = - \sum_x q(x) \log r(x)\). The second equality shows that the loss equals the negative log probability from vector \(p\) at the position of the actual class \(k^*\). It follows from the fact that target distribution is degenerate. This means that only the true class has probability one. Additional motivation for choosing the cross-entropy for classification problems is that minimizing this loss is equivalent to maximizing the likelihood of observing model parameters \(\theta\) conditional on predicting the true class label.


Supervised learning requires a dataset of \(n\) examples \(\{(x_1,y_1)\), ..., \((x_n,y_n)\}\), where \((x_i,y_i) \in X \times Y\). \(y_i\) represents the annotation that we want to predict based on features \(x_i\). Finding a mapping \(f:X \rightarrow Y\) is a two-step process. First, we have to formalize the problem by choosing

  1. The search space of functions \(\mathcal{F}\) with \(f \in \mathcal{F}\).

  2. The scalar-valued loss function \(L(\hat{y}, y)\) that measures the difference between the network’s predictions \(\hat{y} = f_{\theta}(x)\) and the target \(y\).

  3. The scalar term \(R(f)\) that penalizes overly complex functions.

In deep learning without architecture search, the space of functions is one neural network \(f_\theta\) with some parameters \(\theta \in \Theta\). Putting these parts together, the second step is to find these parameters from the optimization problem \(\theta^* = \arg \min_{\theta \in \Theta} C(\theta)\) with \(C(\theta) = \frac{1}{n} \sum^n_{i=1} L \big (f_\theta), y_i \big ) + R(f_{\theta})\). We call \(C(\theta)\) the cost function.

Figure 1: Computational graph for a general supervised learning approach. Examples \(\{x_i\}_{i=1}^{n}\) and parameters \(\theta\) are taken by model $f$ to predict the targets \(\{y_i\}_{i=1}^{n}\). Data loss $L$ computes the difference between the predictions and the targets \(\{y_i\}_{i=1}^{n}\). Regularization loss $R$ penalizes extreme parameters. The sum of both penalties is given by cost \(C\). Oftentimes, we use predicted class probabilities \(\hat{p}\) instead of (rounded) predictions.


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  title   = "Deep Learning Series",
  author  = "Stenzel, Tobias",
  year    = "2023",
  url     = "https://www.tobiasstenzel.com/blog/2023/dl-overview/